Hearing Health Blog

The Unseen Costs of “Bargain” Hearing Aids: Why Quality Counts

In today’s digital age, shopping online has become quite common. The Internet offers a wide array of products, from household commodities to technology and even hearing aids. At first glance, it might seem like a good plan to buy hearing aids online, especially when they come with an appealingly low price point. However, before you […]

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Safe Ways to Use Earplugs While You Sleep

Safe Ways to Use Earplugs While You Sleep

If you find yourself fighting to fall asleep because of bothersome noises, earplugs might provide a simple and effective solution. By inserting a pair of earplugs before bed, you can significantly decrease or totally block out sounds that otherwise disrupt your ability to rest. Getting a restful night’s sleep is essential for your general health […]

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How to Identify and Manage Hearing Loss in Older Parents

We can anticipate some particular health changes as our loved ones age. Hearing loss is one of the most prevalent of these health concerns. Around one out of every three people aged 65 to 74 copes with some level of hearing loss as disclosed by the National Institute of Health. This figure goes up considerably […]

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Hearing Loss is Largely Preventable

Hearing Loss is Largely Preventable

Most individuals think that as they age hearing loss will be inevitable. In truth, damage from repeated exposure to loud noise is also a leading factor. Irreversible hearing loss accumulates with each exposure to noises like lawnmowers, overly loud earbuds, and concerts. Perilously, this issue isn’t confined to older adults; even children are now showing […]

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Tinnitus: More Than a Simple Ringing in the Ears

Tinnitus: More Than a Simple Ringing in the Ears

It’s really common for individuals to experience tinnitus. Tinnitus can become so overwhelming that it becomes a burden to live with for around 20 million individuals worldwide. This doesn’t even count the more common types of tinnitus, which for most individuals can come and go without causing a huge impact on their quality of life. […]

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Benefits of Using Hearing Aids

Benefits of Using Hearing Aids

Even mild hearing loss can significantly impact everyday life, affecting interactions with friends, family members, and colleagues, as well as complicating regular tasks such as grocery shopping. But transformative changes can be brought about by the use of properly tuned hearing aids. Ten reasons why you should consider hearing aids While the primary benefit of […]

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The Relationship Between Hearing Damage and Zinc Intake

It might seem as though the causes of noise-induced hearing loss are functionally well-established. A fairly clear-cut cause-and-effect connection is suggested by the name, after all. The common understanding is simply that loud noises damage the hearing mechanisms in the ear, leading to long-term and irreversible hearing loss. And while that’s true, the mechanisms behind […]

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Tips for Relief and Prevention of Itchy Ears

Tips for Relief and Prevention of Itchy Ears

It can be very frustrating and uncomfortable when your ears are itching. Before you put your finger or an object into your ear in an attempt to scratch the itch, you should be aware of the underlying cause. Identifying the safest and most effective way to deal with the itch depends on determining the underlying […]

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Can Your Lifespan be Affected by Hearing Loss?

Can Your Lifespan be Affected by Hearing Loss?

Everybody loves the idea of a miracle cure that helps you live longer. In fact, a brief internet search will likely return thousands of such miracle cures (if not more), each promising to help you have a longer life if you employ one simple trick. The healthcare community doesn’t back the vast majority of these […]

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What Can You Expect to Discover From a Hearing Test?

What Can You Expect to Discover From a Hearing Test?

If you haven’t had your hearing tested since you were in grade school, you’re not the only one, it’s often not part of a routine adult physical, and, unfortunately, we tend to treat hearing reactively rather than proactively. The good news: Hearing tests are simple, painless, and provide a wealth of insight to professional hearing […]

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