Mother with a hearing aid talking to her teenage daughter.

Hearing Aids in Jacksonville, FL

3 Surprising Benefits of Getting Hearing Aids

Considering getting hearing aids? Today, hearing aids do a lot more than amplify sound. The latest hearing aids have artificial intelligence to “learn” which settings will give you the best sound in any environment. Here are just 3 benefits:

  • Drown out background noise. Avoiding noisy events because you can’t follow the conversation? Many hearing aids now allow you to identify which voices to focus on and which noises to turn down.

  • Get back on the ball. Unfortunately one of the more serious side effects of hearing loss is cognitive decline. Hearing aids have been proven to help clients recover cognitive ability.

  • Reduce signs of tinnitus. If you’re one of the 15-33% of people who suffer from ringing or clicking in your ears, hearing aids may help.

Hearing aid technology can even help track your vital signs, similar to a fitness tracker, and sync to your smartphone.

Man with hearing loss at a work event.

Hearing Aid Technology Breaking Through Stigmas

Gone are the days where hearings aids were bulky appendages that didn’t work very well. The combination of new technology and discreet design is changing the outlook for people with hearing loss. Just a few years ago, less than 20 percent of people who needed hearing aids were wearing them. Studies now show public opinions have shifted. Hearing aids are now seen as an extension of your phone… an often undetectable one that dramatically improves the quality of your life. Imagine catching every word of conversation on the phone, or secretly tapping into the sound system of a theater to capture every note. Some models are even designed for swimming.

How to Choose Which Type of Hearing Aid Will Fit Your Lifestyle

Hearing aids should enhance your life, not restrict it. Do you need to hear every sweet nothing the hero whispers to the leading lady in a romantic comedy, or do you need to hear the starting buzz at your next swim meet? We can help you find the right type of hearing aid to get you back to the things you enjoy. Here are just a few of the hearing aid types we’ll consider in your hearing consultation:

In-the-canal (ITC)

In-the-canal (ITC) hearing aids are custom-fit devices that go in the ear canal with a small portion showing on the outside of the ear. ITC hearing aids are ideal for mild to moderately severe hearing loss and come in a variety of colors that blend with your skin.

Invisible-in-canal (IIC)

Invisible-in-canal (IIC) hearing aids are designed to be “invisible” by fitting farther into the canal. Also custom-made for your ear, these are typically good options for less severe hearing loss.

In-the-Ear (ITE)

In-the-Ear (ITE) hearing aids sit in the outer portion of the ear and are custom-made to fit and match your skin color. These work well even for severe hearing loss and are easy to adjust.

Behind-the-ear (BTE)

With the Behind-the-ear (BTE) style of hearing aid a small casing sits behind the ear and channels sound through a clear tube to an earbud or ear mold. Suitable for severe hearing loss, these have pieces that need to be custom fit.

Receiver-in-canal (RIC)

Receiver-in-canal (RIC) aids are very discreet as the receiver sits completely in the canal and is connected with a thin wires which help minimize distortion. This style works for mild to moderate hearing loss.

Extended-wear hearing aids

Extended-wear hearing aids are soft, small hearing aids that fit deep in the ear canal and can be worn for months at a time. This type is not usually recommended for severe hearing loss.

Middle-ear implants

An alternative to hearing aids, these devices have an external portion and a surgically placed internal piece that moves the bones of the middle ear or vibrates the membrane of the cochlea.

Bluetooth hearing aids

Bluetooth hearing aids can pair with devices like smartphones or tablets to function as wireless headphones. Ask us which types are available to pair with your device.

Feeling daunted by the sheer number of choices? We’ll walk you through a full hearing test and evaluation and guide you to the hearing aids most likely to be a good fit.

Mature couple enjoying a drive.

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