Sensorineural Hearing Loss After Covid-19

Sensorineural Hearing Loss After Covid-19

You may develop hearing loss as you get older, especially if you regularly expose yourself to loud noise. Hearing loss may be in your future, for instance, if you work on a noisy factory floor without hearing protection. These are pretty common and widely known causes of hearing loss. But within the past few years, […]

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If You’re Dealing With Hearing Loss, These Guidelines Will Keep You Safer

For you and the people you love, living with hearing loss can be difficult to adjust to. It can also come with some hazards. What happens if a fire alarm is sounding or somebody is yelling out your name but you can’t hear them? Car noises can warn you about dangers ahead, but if you […]

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Hearing Impairment and Dementia: What’s the Connection?

If you begin talking about dementia at your next family get-together, you will probably put a dark cloud over the entire event. The subject of dementia can be really scary and most people aren’t going to go out of their way to talk about it. A degenerative mental disease in which you slowly (or, more […]

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In spite of Your Hearing Loss, You Can Still Have Fun During the Holidays

So, so many family celebrations. During the holiday seasons, it probably seems like you’re meeting (or re-meeting) a new long-lost uncle every other weekend. That’s the charm (and, some would say, the curse) of the holiday season. Usually, it’s easy to look forward to this yearly catching up. You get to check in on everyone […]

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